As a passionate product designer, I have honed my skills through a combination of passion, dedication, and a commitment to learning on my own
Designed and developed an inventory QR scanner & label
printing interface
Designed website, infographics and video
Created a bunch of marketing collateral, including internship hiring posters, Instagram posts and advertisements, and an informational guide brochure
Made a video to promote employee advocacy and social selling via internal marketing campaign
Designed a compelling pitch deck that simplifies complex financial concepts and highlights the unique features of our product
Created a bunch of marketing collateral, including internship hiring posters, Instagram posts and advertisements, and an informational guide brochure
Journey from being an engineer to a designer. I really enjoy working on projects that make my life more exciting and meaningful.
Work spanning 15+ projects and 3 years.
The thing that I like most about Krishna is that you don't need to spoon feed her. Once you explain her what you want she'll use her creativity, common sense and intuition to deliver as per your requirement and even beyond. Working with her is easy, hassle-free and she is also very good with her delivery timelines.
Krishna's contributions as a UI UX designer were invaluable. Her innovative designs and developments greatly simplified processes, resulting in a seamless and user-friendly experience. Her talent and dedication make her an excellent choice for any UI UX design project.